Monica Montanari’s Sonic Journey

Welcome to my website!

SUONI CHIARI is a collection of projects, experiences, and memories, crystalizing into the disciplines of sound design, music production, spatial sound design, and curatorial art. 


Sound Design

Editing for post-production, mixing, sound synthesis both digital and analogue.

Sound Engineering

Recording instruments, vocals, voice-over, foley effects. Mixing of any genre.

Spatial Sound Design

3D binaural, multichannel and Ambisonics mixing, especially for interactive media implementation.

Music Composition

Electronic music composer for both artistic and commercial purposes.

Curatorial Art

Design and conceptualisation of small art exhibitions and multimedia digital artwork


Monica Montanari was born in Ferrara, Italy. 

Her music passion is first cultivated as a child, attending the music conservatory for classical flute studies.

At the age of 19, Monica moves to Barcelona. The music scene deeply inspires her: the constant contact with DJs and music producers encourages her to start an Ableton music production course.

In 2016, with plenty of enthusiasm, Monica starts the diploma course for audio engineering at Sae Barcelona. 

The following year Monica moves to Berlin to conclude her studies at the Sae Institute in the German capital. 

From 2018 until 2021 Monica worked full-time as a spatial sound designer at usomo, in Berlin.

During her free time, she takes part in the organization and conceptualization of artistic projects, such as events, installations, and multimedia digital artworks.